Best practices for taking online classes:

How do I log into the class?

Please register up to 15 min. prior to start time. You will receive a unique link for each class you purchase in your appointment confirmation email (scroll down if you don't see it). If you do not receive this email, please check your SPAM folder and also be sure you entered your email address correctly when you purchased your ticket. You will need the Zoom link to sign into my Zoom Waiting Room prior to the start of class. I will begin admitting people into class approximately 10 min before the class starts. Please note, if you have trouble logging in after the class starts, I may not be able to help as I will already be teaching. You will be un-muted pre-class for a quick check-in. Once class starts, I will mute all participants so that there is no sound interference.

What technology do I need?

A laptop with its camera facing you is recommended so that the image is large enough for you to see. A phone can work if that's all you have. Google Chrome is the best browser to use. Some other browsers might not work. Zoom will give you a choice between "speaker view" and "gallery view". Speaker view will make the teacher larger so you can see better. Gallery view will make all attendees equal size. See which works best for you!

What do I need for practice?

Again, a laptop is best, and landscape view, if possible (orienting the long edge of the mat toward your computer) is good. Be where you can see and hear and try to minimize distractions for your practice. If none of that works, don't worry, just do your best! I will try to keep prop needs simple, but if you have any Yoga props you think you might like (blocks, belt, blanket, chair), gather them so they are ready. If you don't own a Yoga strap, any type of belt can work...neckties are great!

How does this compare to live Yoga sessions?

I am doing everything in my power to try and connect personally to each of you and craft a practice that seems best for those who have signed up. I am attentive to all participants as best as is possible in this format, and please know that even though we are not interacting throughout, the practice does have YOU in mind. I think practicing in your personal space could be a unique opportunity to really observe sensations and experiment with little adjustments that feel good to you. You are becoming your own teacher in this process!

Refund Policy for Tech Issues

If you receive less than 30 minutes of a class due to technical difficulties on my end, you will receive an automatic refund for that class. If you receive 30 min or more but we still get disconnected, there will be no automatic refund unless you request it. In this case, you can find a way to wind down your practice and rest in savasana at the end.